
Main information

Fund name Leadersel PMI Class B
Benchmark 50% FTSE MIB TR NET and 50% FTSE Italia Mid Cap TR NET
Category Italian equity fund
Legal structure Luxembourg umbrella mutual fund
Currency Euro

Investment policy

This Fund is actively managed and seeks to grow capital and to generate income. The Fund has no reference Benchmark. The investment objective of this Fund is to achieve maximum capital appreciation commensurate with reasonable risk. The Sub-Fund invests mainly in equity shares of Italian corporations or companies resident in Italy, in Euro or foreign currency. The Sub-Fund is actively managed and may invest in shares of companies in any industry, whether high or medium-to-low cap. The Sub-Fund may also invest in money market instruments with duration of less than twelve (12) months and bonds with a maximum of thirty per cent (30%) of the assets of the Sub-Fund. The Sub-Fund shall invest at least seventy per cent (70%) of the portfolio in financial instruments (equities and/or bonds, it being understood that for the portion invested in bonds the above mentioned limit of thirty per cent (30%) shall apply) issued by, or entered into with companies which are resident in Italy, or in EU or EEA Member State and have a permanent establishment in Italy. At least thirty per cent (30%) of these financial instruments shall be issued by companies which are not listed in the FTSE MIB index or in any other equivalent indices. The Sub-Fund cannot invest more than ten per cent (10%) of the portfolio in financial instruments issued by, or entered into with the same company, or companies belonging to the same group, or in cash unless held with the custodian bank of the Sub-Fund. The Sub-Fund cannot invest in financial instruments issued by companies which are not resident in countries that allow an adequate exchange of information with Italy. The Sub-Fund may invest up to ten per cent (10%) of its net assets in UCITS or other UCI as referred to in art. 41, section 1, of the Law of 2010. The Sub-Fund will not invest in ABS/MBS, Coco Bonds, High Yield, Distressed and Defaulted Debt Securities. The Sub-Fund may use financial techniques and instruments in order to hedge the portfolio exposure, in accordance with the restrictions set forth in the “Financial techniques and instruments” chapter of the prospectus. The Sub-Fund is managed in an active way with possible significant deviations from the composition of the benchmark, as specified in the paragraph “Fees of the Sub-Fund”, and may therefore invest in instruments of issuers not listed in the benchmark or present in it but in different proportions.

Legal information

Depository bank Caceis Bank, Luxembourg branch
Audit firm EY
How to subscribe it

The Funds managed by Ersel Gestion Internationale S.A. can be subscribed by sending an order to the Transfer Agent and Custodian Bank of the Fund. Investor Services Team:

  • Email address:  
  • Phone number: 00 352 47 6759 99 
  • Fax number: 00 352 47 67 70 37 
  • Business hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. CET 
  • Languages: Inglese, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch 

For institutional investors the orders can also be transmitted through the following distributors: Allfunds Bank, Mfex, Fund Channel.

NAV calculation frequency Daily
Fund units publication

Fund ticker

ISIN code LU1011692438


Entry charge None
Exit charge None
Maximum management fees 1.75% on an annual basis
Performance fee 20% calculated on the positive difference between the net return of the Sub-Fund and the index consisting of the benchmark in the reference calendar year.
Minimum amount of the first subscription 2.500 euro
Minimum amount of subsequent subscriptions None


Period NAV Fund Benchmark
- - - -
* Average annual compound yield
NOTE: Before subscribing, read the informative prospectus. There is no guarantee of obtaining the same return afterwards.

Graphic trend

Summary table

1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years
Fund - - - -
Benchmark - - - -
1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years
Fund - - - -
Benchmark - - - -
1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years
Fund - - - -
Benchmark - - - -

Annual chart

The month of June saw a quick correction in the European and Italian stock markets after the European Parliament election and France's decision to call a snap parliamentary election.

Monthly comment from the manager

What frightened investors was the advance of far right parties and the fear that a far right majority could take power in France or that it would be impossible to form a government. Industrials and financials corrected the most, with the spread against of the Bund of the BTP and OAT widening. On the other hand, oil stocks did better as a result of the strength of oil.

Uncertainties also remain in relation to geopolitical tensions in both Ukraine and the Middle East, which are still far from being resolved. With regard to interest rate cuts, central banks are waiting for upcoming inflation data to decide on their timing. At sector level, we have a more defensive stance following the reduction of industrials, particularly Stellantis, and oil, while in banking we have returned to neutrality.

We are keeping the mid and small cap component high, at 60%, favouring stocks with attractive valuations. Specifically, we increased Ferretti, De Longhi and Moltiply. The most significant positions among small caps are Sol, D'Amico, Danieli risp, Mondadori, Garofalo and Philogen. During the month we had the secondary offering on Saipem in which we participated, and the IPO of Sys, an information technology company, which we subscribed. Lastly, we participated in the Saes Getters takeover bid.

Offer documents

Document Date of the document Download
KID 01/03/2024 PDF get_app
Management rules 05/02/2019 PDF get_app
Prospectus 17/06/2024 PDF get_app

Semi-annual reports

Document Date of the document Download
Semi annual report 30/06/2024 PDF get_app
Semi annual report CH 30/06/2024 PDF get_app

Annual reports

Document Date of the document Download
Annual report 31/12/2023 PDF get_app
Annual Report CH 31/12/2023 PDF get_app


Document Date of the document Download
Merger Leadersel and Globersel 02/01/2023 PDF get_app
Fund manager
Carlo De Vanna
Team Investimenti Equity Italia
Marco Nascimbene
Team Investimenti Equity Italia
Risk level
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
Morningstar star star star star star
CFS Rating star star star star star


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