Ersel Asset Management SGR SpA was the first mutual investment fund management company to be authorised in Italy in 1983. Ersel Asset Management SGR SpA is subject to management and coordination of Ersel Banca Privata SpA.

It manages several funds:

  • multi-asset products with benchmark
  • products that implement alternative management strategies aimed at reducing the correlation with the general market performance
  • single asset class products that focus investments on a specific financial activity, shares or bonds, government or corporate

Alongside these is Hedgersel, a historical alternative fund. In 2000 Ersel set up Ersel Hedge SGR, the second company in Italy authorised to set up and manage hedge funds, financial instruments with a high threshold, managed through sophisticated strategies and techniques, difficult to access through conventional investment programmes. Subsequently, the company was incorporated into Ersel Asset Management SGR.

Ersel Asset Management also manages, in partnership with important institutions in the sector, private equity initiatives and dedicated closed funds.

The investment process

To achieve excellent results in every class of financial activity Ersel uses internal managers focused on the areas and strategies in which it has a long experience and consolidated track records, confirmed by numerous awards and awards; Ersel Asset Management is headed by a team dedicated to direct management.

The Board of Directors, based on the analysis and proposals of the Investments Committee, defines the strategic allocation on a monthly basis in relation to the most significant variables for each product managed. The management team dedicated to the product is responsible for tactical allocation as well as the choices related to the breakdown by geographic area, country, sector and individual title/financial instrument.

The sustainability

All Ersel products integrate criteria that respect the environment, human rights and good governance practices of companies in accordance with art. 6 of the European SFDR Regulation

To funds managed directly, Ersel Asset Management applies strict exclusion criteria concerning issuers that do not comply with international treaties (such as the Ottawa Treaty on anti-personnel mines) or that contradict the ESG principles in their activity (tobacco, coal mining, fracking, Arctic hydrocarbons, etc.) and also issuers based in countries that are subject to international sanctions or that violate the UN Compact principles.

Some of the group’s funds promote environmental or social factors or good governance practices, pursuant to art. 8 of the Regulation.  As regards third-party Oicrs and Etfs, there is a negative screening aimed at identifying their compatibility with reference to the Group’s exclusion policy.

The Group’s management companies follow a policy (Engagement policy) on the criteria and methods for exercising the voting rights associated with the participation in the share capital of the issuers. The entire ESG risk assessment process is constantly monitored by the Risk Management function.The funds managed by Ersel Asset Management SGR are distributed by the group through its companies Ersel Banca Privata SpA and Online SIM SpA.

Company subject to the direction and coordination of Ersel Banca Privata SpA.

Head Office: Turin - 10121 - Piazza Solferino, 11
Share capital (unique partner): € 15.000.000 i.v. 
Registro Imprese Uff. Torino, C.F. e P. IVA: 04428430013
REA: 631925
Albo SGR: n. 1


Board of Directors of Ersel Asset Management SGR.
Company subject to management and coordination of Ersel Banca Privata SpA.

Board of Directors


  • Chairman: Guido Giubergia
  • Director: Alberto Pettiti
  • Director: Giorgio Bensa
  • Director: Dario Brandolini
  • Director: Aldo Gallo
  • Independent Director: Vera Palea
  • Independent Director: Matteo Bozzalla Cassione

Board of Statutory Auditors


  • Chairman: Marina Mottura
  • Standing Auditor: Alberto Bava
  • Standing Auditor: Maurizio Gili

Independent Auditors: EY Italia


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